Wednesday, March 16, 2011

March 16 - Hope is not a plan.

Another day, another meltdown.  Keeping myself informed of the current situation and watching events unfold in slow motion.  The nuclear plant situation is going from bad to worse and now looks like there is no way to keep it from escalating.  Rather than this being resolved soon, it looks as if it will be a long affair as Japanese workers try to contain the radioactivity that is now escaping.  What that means to Tokyo residents depends on the wind, weather and levels of concentration of radioactivity.  Assurances by our embassy staff that they aren't worried tend to make me wonder about their competence.   The press conference held by Ambassador Roos was ludicrous and embarrassing.   Absolutely unhelpful as he deferred to others, obfuscated, and did the typical diplomatic doublespeak.   Roos (or perhaps more aptly "Ruse")  is not up to the task of looking ahead and having a credible Plan B in place should it become necessary.  Rather, they seem to be hoping radiation levels remain low.  Hope is not a plan.

Given the uncertainty and the lack of credible info from the Japanese government, added to the lack of useful information and contingency plans from the US government, it appears that many are leaving Tokyo.  This is fortunately the school break for kids so getting family out of town is not so difficult right now.  Getting one's gas tank filled up, once on the road, may be quite another matter.


  1. The news are indeed terrible. On the news this afternoon they said that winds will go in the direction of the sea so that would help. Anyway, if you need soemthing to be sent over there just let me know.

  2. I've been keeping up with the news as it happens on bbc online & reuters: they have a live feed there. Live feed on bbc is:
    I am praying for everyone in Japan.

  3. BTW, Len showed me the Amazon site for selling Potassium Iodide- price went up in one day by private sellers from $4.99 to $250 for 14 tablets. Price gouging for sure-
